Choosing the right web host is critical to your website’s development. A web hosting agency provides the server space and storage your website runs on, and its reliability determines how well your website will function and handle stress. A poor web hosting management service can hamper your SEO efforts, slow your revenue growth, and subject you to heavy maintenance costs as issues regularly arise.

eMod has developed a comprehensive web hosting management service that meets the needs of today’s businesses while adhering to strict quality and security standards.

eMod has developed a comprehensive web hosting management service that meets the needs of today’s businesses while adhering to strict quality and security standards.

Web Hosting Mangement In Minneapolis, MN | e-Mod Marketing
hosting management
Web Hosting Mangement In Minneapolis, MN | e-Mod Marketing

Key Features of Our Web Hosting Package

Reliability: Unlike your physical offices, your website needs to be open for business 24/7/365. Our hosting servers are in an advanced data center and offer 99.9% uptime. We feature advanced tools to protect you against outside intrusion or attack and offer several advanced features, such as an integrated content delivery network and speed optimization.

Upgrades: We offer flexible options for each client based on the load placed on their website. From shared hosting to virtual private servers to dedicated servers, we offer hosting packages to meet websites with hundreds, thousands, or millions of monthly visitors.

A Web Hosting Package for Everyone

Choosing the right web host may seem complicated, but we’ve built our hosting service to make the decision easy. We offer hosting packages for various business types and sizes, allowing you to choose the package that fits your needs and budget. Our packages include our advanced security, daily backups, and 24/7 monitoring. We make it easy to build, deploy, and manage your website with our full suite of web design, development, and hosting services. There’s no need to manage multiple vendors- eMod complete website package offers a simple, reliable, and streamlined process that allows you to establish and grow your brand online without difficulty.

Web Hosting Mangement In Minneapolis, MN | e-Mod Marketing

Superior Web Hosting Support

E-commerce support

Looking to sell your products online? Our hosting service can support your e-commerce site!

Multiple Domains

We support domain parking and multiple domains for those clients who wish to use us for multiple branded websites or unused domains that they own.


We keep backup servers ready in an emergency and perform daily backups of all your data. We store these backups in secure off-site servers, so you don’t have to worry about losing anything to tragedy or outside interference.


We support our clients around the clock by monitoring their websites 24/7. When an issue arises, our monitoring service notifies our development team immediately so that we can perform countermeasures or repairs and get you back online.